Your Name*
Company Name*
Your Company Address*
Your Company City*
Your Company State*
Your Company Zip-Code*
Your Company Business Activities: What does the area you are requesting services do?*
Select the Audit Services you would like to discuss* —Please choose an option—ISO/IEC 27001 CertificationISO/IEC 27001 Pre-Certification AuditNIST Attestation AuditCMMC Attestation Audit (not a certification Audit)FFIEC/NCUA/SOX/ or other financial security related audit.Other Audit (Please specify in the comments)
Your Industry*
Select the Certification Status for Requested Services* CertifiedRecertification neededNew Certification
What is the Scope of the Activities?*
How many Sites are in Scope?*
How many Full-Time Personnel are in Scope?*
How many Part-Time Personnel are in Scope?*
How Established is the Program to be Audited?* ISMS is already well established and/or other management systems are in placeSome elements of other management systems are implemented, others notNo other management system implemented at all, the ISMS is new and not established
How Much In-House Development is Done?* —Please choose an option—None or a very limited in-house system/application development.Some in-house or outsourced system/application development for some important business purposes.Extensive in-house or outsourced system/application development for important business purposes
Please Select the Complexity of Business Processes and Tasks* —Please choose an option—Standard processes with standard tasks; few products or services.Standard but non-repetitive processes, with high number of products or services.Complex processes, high number of products and services, many business units included in the scope of certification (ISMS covers highly complex processes or relatively high number or unique activities.)
Type of Business or Regulatory Requirements?* —Please choose an option—Organization works in non-critical business sectors and non-regulated sectors.Organization has customers in critical business sectors.Organization works in critical business sectors.
How Complex is the IT Infrastructure?* —Please choose an option—Few or highly standardized IT platforms, servers, operating systems, databases, networks, etc.Several different IT platforms, servers, operating systems, databases, networks.Many different IT platforms, servers, operating systems, databases, networks.
Dependency on Outsourcing and Suppliers, Including Cloud Services* —Please choose an option—Little or no dependency on outsourcing or suppliers.Some dependency on outsourcing or suppliers, related to some but not all important business activities.High dependency on outsourcing or suppliers, large impact on important business activities.
This is an Accurate Description of Our Needs and Business Activities. Quotes Will Be Based on This Information and May Be Adjusted if This Information is Different from the Listed Information or if the Information Changes* I agree
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