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Specialty Services

One-size does not fit all. We can customize a solution to fit your needs.



Let us help you discover and forensically preserve the data important to your case or litigation.

Cyber Liability Advisory

Cyber Liability Advisory

Cyber liability insurance can be a wonderful solution to augment the cost of security incidents and data breaches. But not properly understanding the pre-requisites can be a source of claim rejection. Let us advise you on the best cyber liability plan for your organization and how to properly manage your requirements for compliance .

Pre-Sales Support

Pre-Sales Support

Customers are aware now than ever of how vendors/suppliers address their confidential data and privacy requirements. It is imperative that you disclose your security posture and how you will adequately product your customer’s information. Let us help you implement a pre-sales support program compatible with your sales funnel to proactively address these concerns.

BoD Cyber/Risk Advisory

BoD Cyber/Risk Advisory

Cybersecurity has never been more prevalent that it is today. Boards understand that cyber threats are now a serious risk to every organization. We can help train and educate your Board to know what are the most critical threats to your company and how to properly address.



Experienced cybersecurity leadership talent is extremely hard to come by and even harder to retain in such a competitive economy. Let us help fill this gap for your organisation by developing, cultivating and running a comprehensive, risk-based, business-enabled cybersecurity program to address your needs.

Executive Training

Executive Training

Education and awareness training is a key pillar of success to manage cyber risk effectively. Executive management present a greater risk as they are more targeted and statistically are more prone to fall victim. Let us help you develop and deliver a purpose-fit cybersecurity risk training session for your leadership teams.

Let us train the executives of your business on cyber security best practices, and educate them on your cyber security program.

Security Strategy Assessment

Security Strategy Assessment

Developing a long-term strategic cybersecurity plan can be challenging for any size organization. Let us help you to assess your current state, align your business goals and build a new, comprehensive cybersecurity scorecard based on risk and built on metrics.